Toronto Alexithymia Scale-Tas: Reliability and Validity of the Portuguese Version

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Elisa Medici Pizão Yoshida


The purpose of this study was to estimate  the degree of  reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of  the Toronto Alexythymia Scale-TAS. Subjects (N=581) were  394 female and 187 male undergraduate students. The Alpha Coefficient to the  whole sample (0,71),  as to the  female (0,72) and male (0,71) sub-samples  pointed to the index of  precision of the scale while  the  inter-items coefficient (0,08) to the items’ homogeneity. The factorial analysis showed four factors compatible with those of the TAS’ Spanish version, which  had already proved to be congruent with the English version.  Results suggest that, from a psychometric point of view, the TAS’ Portuguese version  can be considered a  reliable and valid measure of the construct, as its English and Spanish preceding versions.


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