Living and Dying: An Apposition Beteween the Ego and Superego
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It`s a reflexion about the ego and superego role in decisions while the option between living and dying is urgent. Three historical characters will be analyzed by the psychoanalytical vertex in their cruciate moments of decision and correlated with a clinical case which reveals a fight between life preservation, ego`s primordial function and the preservation of moral and ethical values superego`s privilege. In order to do that three historical characters trial will be presented, such as: the philosopher Sócrates, the scientist Galileu Galilei and the farmer John Proctor, characters from “The Crucible”. We conclude that depending of the chosen vertex to reflect about the decisions, we can have a superegoic nature more idealized and cruel or an ego more flexible and vital.
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Copyright to articles published in The Journal Of Psychology: Theory and Practice belongs to the authors, who grant Mackenzie Presbyterian University the not exclusive rights to publish the content.
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