Creativity In Psychoanalysis: International Scientific Production (1996/1998)
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Creativity in psychoanalysis has been argued based in clinical practices that do not depict the occurrence of systematic researches for its fundamentals. The measurement of this scientific production may contribute to the development of the issue by characterizing and evaluating it. A record has been kept at PsycLIT international database, from 1996 to 1998. The data were dealt with both quantitatively and qualitatively and show that: the issue has decreased in terms of interest by the authors. Articles in periodicals by individual authorship, with theoretical design, and the ones written in English are predominant. The USA plays a prominent role as a country that has studied and published the issue, which is a fact that must be connsidered since its database is American. Although Brazil and Portuguese have come in a second rank, Brazil is actually an important sower of psychoanalysis. In relation to the patients who were submitted to the case studies the female gender in the adult development phase appears mostly. The results show that: 1. there is a need of doing researches with more sophisticated design for the development of the issue; 2. the authors work in an isolated way; 3. new researches are necessary so that a broader and deeper prospect may be designed.
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Copyright to articles published in The Journal Of Psychology: Theory and Practice belongs to the authors, who grant Mackenzie Presbyterian University the not exclusive rights to publish the content.
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