The Contributions of the Rorschach Method to the Field of Psychotherapy

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Regina Sonia Gattas Fernandes do Nascimento


The Rorschach Test has been identified as an excellent instrument of personality assessment. The reason for this status lies in its great sensibility for personality assessment in a more complex, profound and dynamic manner, combined with great reliability in the results, due to its rates of fidelity, dependability and validity. In clinical practice, this instrument has been used in many cases, for a long time and with high frequency. In spite of the scarcity of literature that relates these two work modalities, nowadays this preoccupation is increasing and it is possible to find some Rorschach indicators that can help us to decide on the best counselling for a patient in a more objective way, making use of his/her data in planning the treatment, identifying obstacles and evaluating the therapeutic process. Rorschach can lead us to develop therapeutic work with a better view of the prognosis for each patient and his/her adjustment to different psychotherapeutic approaches, which we believe to be extremely important in brief psychotherapy.


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