Pathological personality and quality of life: validity evidences for IDCP-2

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Lucas de Franscisco Carvalho
Ana Carolina Zuanazzi
Fabiano Koich Miguel


Literature indicates that pathological traits of personality are related with perception of poor quality of life. Based on that, this study aimed to verify the discriminative capacity of the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory 2 (IDCP-2), an instrument that assesses pathological personality traits, and to investigate its validity based on external criteria, i.e., the quality of life. 1618 Brazilians answered IDCP-2, WHOQOL-bref, PANAS, and Life Satisfaction scale. Correlations and linear regressions analyses were conducted. As expected, the results indicated negative correlations between factors of IDCP-2 (Dependency, Aggressiveness, Mood Instability, Eccentricity, Distrust, Isolation, Criticism Avoidance, Self-Sacrifice, Conscientiousness and Inconsequence) and positive aspects of quality of life, life satisfaction, and experience of positive affects. The general trends were negative correlations between the dimensions of IDCP-2 with most factors from the other measures, as they assess positive attributes (i.e., life satisfaction, quality of life and positive experience of affects). The exception, albeit still coherent considering the constructs implicated, was the positive association between personality and negative affect.


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Psychological Assessment


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