Multifacetary Point of View of the Book: Psicologia: das Raízes aos Movimentos Contemporâneos”

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Leni Lourenço de Oliveira


On this critical and informative review are introduced some value judgment about Berenice Carpigiani’s work. It is looked for to approach the ideological elements of the text, the bibliography, the coherence and the style of the texture construction to the development of the study Psychology: of the root of the contemporary movements . The book is destined to the students and researchers of the different areas that begin the study
of the Psychology, because it offers a historical structure, chronological and ideological of the construction of the Psychology like Science.


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Resenha Bibliográfica


CARPIGIANI, B. Psicologia: das raízes aos movimentos contemporâneos. São Paulo: Pioneira Psicologia, 2002.

GARCIA, O. M. Comunicação em prosa moderna: aprenda a escrever, aprendendo a pensar. 13. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FGV – Instituto de Documentação Editora da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1986.

SEVERINO, A. J. Metodologia do trabalho científico. 22. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2004.