Long-Term Efficacy of Alarm Behavioral Treatment for Nocturnal Enuresis with Children and Adolescents

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Mayra Helena Bonifácio Gaiato Meneghello
Rodrigo Fernando Pereira
Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvares


Treating nocturnal enuresis with an alarm device is one of the most effective ways to eliminate bedwetting. An effective treatment must have results that last at least one year. The objective of this work is to follow-up children and adolescents that passed by an intake interview for enuresis treatment at Institute of Psychology of the University of Sao Paulo. Thirty-six families were contacted, 24 were treated and 12 only passed by the initial interview. The telephonic contact established the current situation of bedwetting for each child. Over 80% of the treated chidren remained dry, while 2 of them (9%) relapsed. On the other hand, only 3 of the non-treated children achieved dryness spontaneously. This data reassures the necessity of treatment for enuresis and states the efficacy of the program. However, the small number of participants is a limitation of this study. A replication with a larger amount of patients is necessary to verify these tendencies.


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