Course Reaction Scale in E-Learning: Adaptation and Factor Structure

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Lara Barros Martins
Thaís Zerbini
Francisco José Medina


This paper aims to adapt and analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Reaction to Instructional Proceedings Scale in Distance Education (ERPI-EAD and its relation with the effectiveness of training at work. In total, 3,600 employees from a Brazilian public bank participated in this study by answering the ERPI-EAD after taking part in an online course. We measured training transfer with a self-evaluation scale. Internal consistency, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regressions were conducted. A one-factor structure and a high level of fit for the model were found. The participants’ satisfaction with the course was related to the effectiveness of training. We suggest using the ERPI-EAD as a reliable and valid measure that predicts the effectiveness of training, can contribute to collect relevant information to improve instructional aspects and ensure better performance results in the workplace.


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Psychology and Education


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