Chronological Description of South Brazilian Adolescents Romantic Behaviors

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Bárbara Barth
Adriana Wagner
Daniela Centenaro Levandowski


There is an extent Brazilian literature that focuses on sexual initiation and adolescent sexuality already exists, however, the investigation of romantic pre-sexual behaviors is still scarce. This study aimed at describing the age of onset of different romantic behaviors in teenagers of Porto Alegre and Canoas, in Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, seeking to identify a possible chronology. Adolescents (n = 380), both female (66.2%, n = 240) and male (33.8%, n = 123), from public and private schools, with an age average of 14.6 years (SD = 1.47), filled a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Romantic History Survey. Adolescents begin to be romantically interested in other people around 10-11 years, and this interest evolved at the 14-15 years range when a romantic relationship happens. There is a significant difference between male and female adolescents regarding the beginning of a romantic interest and dating because it happens to girls earlier than to boys. Qualitative studies, that include family, friends and romantic partners’ perspective, may increase the understanding of this topic.


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Human Development


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