Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention in a Group for Anxietyin Primary Care Result Evaluation

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Keila Marine Pedrosa
Gleiber Couto
Roselma Luchesse


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a therapeutic group based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the care of the person with anxiety disorder in the primary health care network. 12 women aged 20 to 49 years started treatment and 11 completed it three months after the beginning of the intervention. Data were collected using the Beck Anxiety Inventory and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale. Statistical analyses based on the method proposed by Jacobson and Truax (JT) revealed that the most part of the participants presented a reliable positive change after the intervention. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of both instruments proved to be a facilitator of the management and structuring of the activities of the therapeutic group since the results provided a situational diagnosis. Another point to be highlighted concerns about the reliability of the results obtained from the JT Method with all the respective parameters.


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Clinical Psychology


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