Escavações no insólito-grotesco

abrindo buracos



Contemporary literature. Unusual fiction. Grotesque.


This work proposes a reflection on the fictional unusual in its coalition with the grotesque, as contemporary aesthetics, updated and belonging to the XXI century, despite its long and well-known conceptual trajectories. Through the analysis of the Buraco narrative, with a special look at the main character and her behavior in relation to the unusual event that erupts, as well as a walk through other short narratives present in the book Daniel Pellizzari, we sought to verify where and how the unusual-grotesque manifests itself. From the afore mentioned reading, it was verified that these categories can update the way we understand the contemporary world, its dynamics, its time, its demands, as they intend our relationship with the real world by evidencing, many times, the acceptance of the absurd disguised of rationality.


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Author Biography

Luciéle Bernardi de Souza, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Graduated in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2013) -emphasis in Sociology of Culture. Graduated in Portuguese Letters from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2014), specialist in Theory and Practice of Reader Formation from UERGS (2017) and Master (2018) in Theory of Literature from the Graduate Program in Letters of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Student of Doctorate in Literature at PPGLit (UFSC).


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How to Cite

Bernardi de Souza, L. (2024). Escavações no insólito-grotesco : abrindo buracos. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 23(3). Retrieved from