Analysis of the story “Venha ver o pôr do sol”, by Lygia Fagundes Telles, from the political and poetic perspective in Giorgio Agamben


  • Eliane da Silva Deniz SEDUC-MT
  • Marcos Aparecido Pereira IFMT


Interactions., Speech., Power.


This article intends to analyze the story “Venha ver o pôr do sol”, by Lygia Fagundes Telles, based on human relations established in the context of language in an attempt to reflect on the intricate web of discourses that make up the human being. In this sense, from the political and poetic perspective of Giorgio Agamben, we will seek to understand how Telles’ fictional narrative is linked to the representation of socio-historical-cultural relations that permeate us and that define spaces of power through discursive interactions. Because of this, we realize that discourse always reveals and hides a double helix that moves human interactions, pushing us to a gradual and continuous remodeling of individuality based on our experiences. This process is never neutral and almost always risky.


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Author Biography

Marcos Aparecido Pereira, IFMT

Doutor em Estudos Literários - UNEMAT; Mestre em Ensino - IFMT; Docente IFMT Campus Cáceres - Prof. Olegário Baldo.


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How to Cite

Deniz, E. da S., & Pereira, M. A. (2022). Analysis of the story “Venha ver o pôr do sol”, by Lygia Fagundes Telles, from the political and poetic perspective in Giorgio Agamben. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 22(1), 57–71. Retrieved from