Lusophony in the context of geopolitics and globalization

Movements that (dis)integrate languages, cultures, and memories


  • Andre Luiz de Faria Universidade Federal de santa Catarina


Lusophony., Movement., Cultural memory.


This article deals with the presence of the Portuguese language in different parts of the world, its representativeness, differences and similarities in such different cultures. For a better understanding of the Lusophone movement before the implications of post-modernity and globalization, we assume that, in addition to the morphosyntactic structure given to Portuguese, what most moves and makes us understand the Portuguese language are the reports, feelings, experiences, practices and behaviors expressed by its speakers – generators of linguistic and cultural memory. We take as a representative point of the Portuguese-speaking universe: Brazil, Goa, Japan, Mozambique and Portugal.


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How to Cite

Luiz de Faria, A. (2022). Lusophony in the context of geopolitics and globalization: Movements that (dis)integrate languages, cultures, and memories. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 22(1), 18–31. Retrieved from