Reflections on the teaching-learning of PLE (Portuguese as a Foreign Language) by Hispanophone learners seeking to enter the job market in Portuguese-speaking countries
Portuguese language, PLE, EconomyAbstract
This article presents reflections on approaches linked to the teaching of the Portuguese Language (LP) as Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE) for the labor market and its striking relationship with the demand for study; the language is currently the 6th most spoken in the world. For this essay we have, among others, theoretical models related to the works of Bortoni-Ricardo (2005) about the theme of Portuguese socio-history, the thought of Alonso Rey (2012) about the transference in the learning of Portuguese by Spanish speakers, the dimensions of variation in LP by Llari and Basso (2006), and Chen’s (2012b) thinking about the economic behavior of languages.
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