Análise Comparativa entre a Ilíada, de Homero, e o filme Troia, dirigido por Wolfgang Petersen


  • João Paulo Baldin Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Iliad. Troy. Adaptation. Homer.


Basing ourselves on Stam (2009) and Hutchen (2006), this article will start from the premisse that both source text, and its many potential adaptations, are to be seen and evaluated idependently, as both are artistic productions that stand in their own merits. Concepts such as purity or fidelity will, therefore, not be taken into consideration, as this article is not na attempt to rank both texts in any terms. This is the principle that will be at the core of the analysis between Homer’s Iliad and Wolfgang Petersen’s Troy. We believe that the artistic choices made by the director, whether it be in changing or preserving, may be, at least partially, explained by the context in which both texts were written.


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How to Cite

Baldin, J. P. (2020). Análise Comparativa entre a Ilíada, de Homero, e o filme Troia, dirigido por Wolfgang Petersen. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 20(2), 166–182. Retrieved from