Global and unequally deterritorialized languages

towards a critical intercultural education of language teachers


  • Souzana Mizan Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), Graduação em Letras (EFLCH), Guarulhos, SP, Brasil.


Global languages, Teacher education, Critical interculturalism


Languages that contributed to the consolidation of the nation-state in Europe, such as the English, French, Spanish and Portuguese languages, and collaborated with the colonizing projects of these nations, are increasingly acquiring in contemporary times, that are characterized by the globalization and digitization of knowledge, the status of global languages. However, this fact has little influence on teaching practices for the education of teachers of these global languages. In this article, triggered by the discussion of English as a global language, we show that the expansion of these languages ​​in the world is unequal and we describe practices we develop that seek a critical intercultural education of teachers of global languages.


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Author Biography

Souzana Mizan, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), Graduação em Letras (EFLCH), Guarulhos, SP, Brasil.

Departamento de Letras EFLCH


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How to Cite

Mizan, S. (2019). Global and unequally deterritorialized languages: towards a critical intercultural education of language teachers. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 19(3), 273–289. Retrieved from