The poetics of the self

The phenomenology of the instant in Clarice Lispector



Phenomenology, Clarice Lispector, O relatório da coisa


The present study aims to analyse the short story “O relatório da coisa”, by Clarice Lispector based on a phenomenological perspective. Initially, the analysis will focus on the formal aspects that, somehow, demonstrate the relations of significance, or chiasms, established between the self and the other in the short story. The pursuit of instant also represents an essential element for such interaction (between subjects and things). Moreover, this paper intends to enlighten aspects that refer to the construction of meaning that arise from the enchainment of silence established by the voices in the story. Thus, the phenomenology set by Merleau-Ponty seems to be the most appropriate to such perspective of analysis.


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Author Biographies

Rogerio Caetano de Almeida, UTFPR

Prof. do curso de Letras no DALIC e no programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Linguagens (PPGEL) da UTFPR.

Andrea de Carvalho, Mestranda pelo PPGEL (UTFPR)

Aluna bolsista da CAPES do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Linguagens (PPGEL) da UTFPR.


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MOSER, Benjamin. Why this world: a biography of Clarice Lispector. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

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How to Cite

de Almeida, R. C., & de Carvalho, A. (2020). The poetics of the self: The phenomenology of the instant in Clarice Lispector. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 20(3), 101–117. Retrieved from