Playing and its influence on the development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Play. Autism. Child development. Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Child psicology.Abstract
This article aims to provide reflections over the impacts of playing along childhood development aspects, specifying the needing of interventions that stimulates the playing practice of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Since the experience of playing passes through biopsichosocial field, it’s necessary to think like this process affects children with ASD in front of the quirks of relating to others and to the world. The bibliographic study was produced based on Vygotsky’s social-historic perspective, through books and theoretical surveys of publications between years 2008-2018, selected on digital platforms. As the result, it is understood that the incentive of experiences provided by playing promotes an enrichment of psychological structures, taking to the construction of individuals increasingly independents. Such hability cannot be limited when it talks about children with ASD, whose through appropriated mediation and incentive have conditions of developting by playing.
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