Vegetarian diet in pregnancy and impact on the maternal and fetal organism

a literature review


  • André Chaves Calabria Universidade do Planalto Catarinense
  • Claudia Spaniol Universidade do Planalto Catarinense
  • Mirna Grubert Gomes Universidade do Planalto Catarinense


Vegetarianismo, Gestação, Gravidez, Nutrição, Período gestacional


Introduction: During pregnancy, nutritional needs are increased due to fetal development. Therefore, it is interesting to question dietary restrictions, such as vegetarianism, safety for pregnant women and fetuses. Objective: To discuss possible changes in vegetarian diets in pregnancy and to list nutritional deficiencies caused by these diets in pregnancy. Methodology: The study was conducted through bibliographic research in national and international journals indexed in the Capes, Scielo and Science Direct databases from 2009 to 2019. Use the keywords in science and health: vegetarian diet; nutritional deficiencies; Vitamins and pregnancy. Results: Please note that vegetarian pregnant women are more susceptible to nutrient deficiency - particularly iron, folic acid and vitamin b12, or may lead to anemia, miscarriage, congenital anomalies, neurological disorders, preeclampsia, premature birth and low birth weight. Conclusion: Thus, a vegetarian diet in pregnancy should be professionally monitored, allowing to offer an adequate nutritional adjustment, considering the risks exposed and pregnant women.


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