The impact of organizational values on the perception of incentives and barriers to creativity in the work place


  • Marcelo Bedani Banco do Brasil S.A.


Valores organizacionais, Criatividade organizacional, Estímulos e barreiras à criatividade, Preditores da criatividade, Inovação.


The objective of the present article is to investigate the impact of organizational values in the perception of incentives and barriers to the creativity in the work place. Organizational creativity results from a complex combination of personal, historical, social and cultural factors. Thus, the latest models of creativity include the interaction of personal and contextual aspects to explain the phenomenon of creative expression. In the specific case of organizational culture, its influence on the manifestation of creativity would happen through the values. However, in spite of this relationship be frequently mentioned in the literature, they were not found empiric studies that relate the organizational values as antecedents of the organizational creativity. For data collection two scales were used: the Profiles of Organizational Values Inventory and the Support and Resistance to New Ideas Scale. The data was obtained from a sample of 2.171 employees of a Brazilian bank. The relationship between values and organizational creativity was evaluated through regressions multiple stepwise. The results of this research corroborate the idea that the organizational values are important factors in the prediction of the support and of the resistance to the innovation in organizations. Autonomy, value that sends to the degree of freedom that the employee has to make decisions and to do their own choices, appeared as the best preditor of the support as of the resistance of the organization in accepting new ideas. Tradition and domain, correlated positively with the barriers to creativity in the workplace, appearing as counterpoint to the values that benefit the expression of creativity. This study contributes to a better understanding of the creativity predictors. Also confirming the practical applicability of this line of research - incentives and barriers to creativity in organizational-, it enables the identification of those elements of the work context that need intervention in order to facilitate the manifestation of creativity in organizations.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Bedani, Banco do Brasil S.A.

Doutor em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações pela UnB - Universidade de Brasília.

Diretoria Gestão de PessoasSces Trecho 2 lote 22, Ed. Pres. Tancredo Neves, 1º andar - Brasília - DF - Brasil - CEP 70200-002





Human Values ad Management: Theorical and Methodological Advances