O Efeito diploma no mercado de trabalho não qualificado: Uma aplicação da função de Mincer para o Brasil
Educação. Efeito Diploma. Equação Minceriana. Mercado de Trabalho. Rendimentos.Abstract
In 2001, 2004 and 2007, Brazil provided an expansion in the offer of places for higher education through the FIES, PROUNI and REUNI programs. As a result, this article aims to analyze the effect that this proportion of higher education graduates had on the income of individuals with secondary education. From the microdata of PNAD/IBGE for the years 2001, 2004, 2007, 2011 and 2015, the theoretical and empirical basis of the Mincerian equation was applied in the estimations. The results show that investing in higher education brings high rates of returns for all years studied, while investing up to high school showed increasingly declining returns, with a negative variation of 87,8% between 2001 and 2015. the differences in income between high school and higher education graduates is possibly correlated with a greater demand for more skilled workers in the labor market.
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