Revisão Histórica de Pesquisas em Análise do Comportamento e Educação Especial/Inclusão Publicadas no JABA entre 2001 e 2008

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Victor Faria Nicolino
Maria de Lourdes Bara Zanotto


A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo atualizar e aprofundar a revisão histórica do que vem sendo produzido em Análise do Comportamento e Educação Especial/Inclusão a partir da análise de artigos de pesquisa publicados no JABA no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2008. Os artigos (46) são analisados segundo as seguintes variáveis: participantes; tipo de pesquisa; delineamento; agente de mudança/observação do comportamento; setting; medida do comportamento-alvo; procedimento de intervenção comportamental; tema; objetivo da pesquisa e resultados obtidos. Os resultados evidenciam que a maioria das pesquisas é experimental, e usa como setting a escola do participante. O próprio pesquisador é o agente de mudança/observação do comportamento mais freqüente, e o procedimento para estabelecimento de controle de estímulos específicos sobre repertórios é o mais adotado. A maioria dos participantes é composta de pessoas diagnosticadas com Autism Spectrum Disorders, na faixa etária dos 6 aos 10 anos. O tema mais freqüente é linguagem (respostas verbais vocais e não-vocais), seguido do tema conduta, com pesquisas sobre autocontrole, comportamentos disruptivos, agressão/autolesão e contato inapropriado.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Detalhes do artigo



ANGLESEA, M. M.; HOCH, H.; TAYLOR, B. A. Reducing rapid eating in teenagers with autism: use of a pager prompt. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, v. 41, n. 1, p. 107-111, 2008.

ASSEF, E. C. dos S.; SEABRA, A. G.; CAPOVILLA, F. C. Avaliação do controle inibitório em TDAH por meio do teste de geração semântica. Psicologia: teoria e prática, São Paulo, v. 9, n. 1, p. 61-74. 2007.

BAER, D. M.; WOLF, M. M.; RISLEY, T. R. Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 1, n. 1, p. 91-97. 1968.

BOELTER, E. W. et al. Effects of antecedent variables on disruptive behavior and accurate responding in young children in outpatient settings. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 2, p. 321-326, 2007.

BORRERO, C. S. W.; BORRERO, J. C. Descriptive and experimental analyses of potential precursors to problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 41, n. 1, p. 83-96, 2008.

CARR, D. Effects of exemplar training in exclusion responding on auditory-visual discrimination tasks with children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 36, n. 4, p. 507-524, 2003.

CHARLOP-CHRISTY, M. H. et al. Using the picture exchange communication system (pecs) with children with autism: assessment of pecs acquisition, speech, social-communicative behavior, and problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 35, n. 3, p. 213-231, 2002.

CLARK, K. M.; GREEN, G. Comparison of two procedures for teaching dictated-word/symbol relations to learners with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kan-sas, v. 37, n. 4, p. 503-507, 2004.

COLEMAN-MARTIN, M. B.; HELLER, K. W. Using a modified constant prompt-delay procedure to teach spelling to students with physical disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 37, n. 4, p. 469-480, 2004.

DEQUINZIO, J. A. et al. Generalized imitation of facial models by children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 4, p. 755-759, 2007.

FAZZIO, D. F. Intervenção comportamental no autismo e deficiências de desenvolvimento: uma análise dos repertórios propostos em manuais de treinamentos. 2002. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia Experimental: Análise do Comportamento) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2002.

FERNANDES, C. S. A. Os trabalhos em educação no JABA – Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis – de 2001 a 2006. 2007, 59 f. Pesquisa de Iniciação Científica–Faculdade de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2007.

FISHER, W. W.; KODAK, T.; MOORE, J. W. Embedding an identity-matching task within a prompting hierarchy to facilitate acquisition of conditional discriminations in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 3, p. 489-499, 2007.

GRINDLE, C. F.; REMINGTON, B. Discrete-trial training for autistic children when reward is delayed: a comparison of conditioned cue value and response marking. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 35, n. 2, p. 187-190, 2002.

GUTOWSKI, S. J.; STROMER, R. Delayed matching to two-picture samples by individuals with and without disabilities: an analysis of the role of naming. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 36, n. 4, p. 487-505, 2003.

HOCH, H. et al. The effects of magnitude and quality of reinforcement on choice responding during play activities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 35, n. 2, p. 171-181, 2002.

HOCH, H. et al. Concurrent reinforcement schedules: behavior change and maintenance without extinction. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 35, n. 2, p. 155-169, 2002.

HOERGER, M. L; MACE, F. C. A computerized test of self-control predicts classroom behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 39, n. 2, p. 147-159, 2006.

HORNER, R. H. Review of Behavior analysis in developmental disabilities – 1968-1995 (3. ed.), edited by Iwata et al. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 30, n. 3, p. 591-594, 1997.

JEROME, J.; FRANTINO, E. P.; STURMEY, Pr. The effects of errorless learning and backward chaining on the acquisition of internet skills in adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 1, p. 185-189, 2007.

LACERDA, D. F. de. Caracterização do ensino programado no Brasil: um estudo com base na análise de periódicos científicos. 2008. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia Experimental: Análise do Comportamento) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2008.

LEBLANC, L. A. et al. Using video modeling and reinforcement to teach perspective-taking skills to children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kan-sas, v. 36, n. 2, p. 253-257, 2003.

LEI DE DIRETRIZES e Bases da Educação Nacional – LDBEN (Lei nº 9394/96). 1996. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2008.

LERMAN, D. C.; ADDISON, L. R.; KODAK, T. A preliminary analysis of self-control with aversive events: the effects of task magnitude and delay on the choices of children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 39, n. 2, p. 227-232, 2006.

LERMAN, D. C. et al. A rapid assessment of skills in young children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 37, n. 1, p. 11-26, 2004.

LERMAN, D. C. et al. A methodology for assessing the functions of emerging speech in children with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 38, n. 3, p. 303-316, 2005.

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MCCOMAS, J. J.; THOMPSON, A.; JOHNSON, L. The effects of presession attention on problem behavior maintained by different reinforcers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 36, n. 3, p. 297-307, 2003.

MCDOWELL, C.; KEENAN, M. Developing fluency and endurance in a child diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 34, n. 3, p. 345-348, 2001.

MCKERCHAR, P. M.; THOMPSON, R. H. A descriptive analysis of potential reinforce-ment contingencies in the preschool classroom. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 37, n. 4, p. 431-444, 2004.

MESMER, E. M.; DUHON, G. J.; DODSON, K. G. The effects of programming common stimuli for enhancing stimulus generalization of academic behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 3, p. 553-557, 2007.

MITHAUG, D. K.; MITHAUG, D. E. Effects of teacher-directed versus student-directed instruction on self-management of young children with disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 36, n. 1, p. 133-136, 2003.

MORRIS, E. K. et al. Conclusion: some historiography of behavior analysis and some behavior analysis of historiography. In: TODD, J. T.; MORRIS, E. K. Modern perspectives on B. F. Skinner and contemporary behaviorism. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1995. p. 195-215.

MUELLER, M. M.; EDWARDS, R. P.; TRAHANT, D. Translating multiple assessment techniques into an intervention selection model for classrooms. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 36, n. 4, p. 563-573, 2003.

MURPHY, C.; BARNES-HOLMES, D.; BARNES-HOLMES, Y. Derived manding in children with autism: synthesizing Skinner’s verbal behavior with relational frame theory. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 38, n. 4, p. 445-462, 2005.

NAJDOWSKI, A. C. et al. Functional analyses and treatment of precursor behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 41, n. 1, p. 97-105, 2008.

NDORO, V. W. et al. A descriptive assessment of instruction-based interactions in the preschool classroom. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 39, n. 1, p. 79-90, 2006.

NEEF, N. A. et al. Analysis of precurrent skills in solving mathematics story problems. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 36, n. 1, p. 21-33, 2003.

NEEF, N. A. et al. Effects of modeling versus instructions on sensitivity to reinforcement schedules. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 37, n. 3, p. 267-281, 2004.

NEEF, N. A. et al. Behavioral assessment of impulsivity: a comparison of children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 38, n. 1, p. 23-37, 2005.

NICOLINO, V. F. Os trabalhos de análise do comportamento em educação em periódicos nacionais. 2007. 56 f. Pesquisa de Iniciação Científica – Faculdade de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2007.

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PEREIRA, M. E. M; ZANOTTO, M. de L. B. A produção da análise do comportamento em educação com base em publicações. 2007. 24 f. Projeto de Pesquisa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Experimental: Análise do Comportamento – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2007.

PÉREZ-GONZÁLEZ, L. A. et al. Emergence of intraverbal antonyms in children with pervasive developmental disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 4, p. 697-701, 2007.

PETURSDOTTIR, A. L. et al. The effects of scripted peer tutoring and programming common stimuli on social interactions of a student with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 2, p. 353-357, 2007.

PRADO, P. S. T.; CARMO, J. S. Fundamentos do comportamento matemático: a importância dos pré-requisitos. In: HÜBNER, M. M. C.; MARINOTTI, M. (Org.). Análise do comportamento para a educação – contribuições recentes. Santo André: ESETec Editores Associados, 2004. p. 137-157.

RASMUSSEN, K.; O’NEILL, R. E. The effects of fixed-time reinforcement schedules on problem behavior of children with emotional and behavioral disorders in a day-treatment classroom setting. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 39, n. 4, p. 453-457, 2006.

REEVE, S. A. et al. Establishing a generalized repertoire of helping behavior in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 1, p. 123-136, 2007.

REHFELDT, R. A.; ROOT, S. L. Establishing derived requesting skills in adults with severe developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 38, n. 1, p. 101-105, 2005.

ROCHA, S. T. Educação inclusiva: um estudo do processo de inclusão escolar de estudantes com deficiência na Rede Municipal de Ensino do Rio de Janeiro. 2007. 11 f. Monografia de conclusão de curso – Faculdade de Ciências Sociais, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, 2007.

ROSALES, R.; REHFELDT, R. A. Contriving transitive conditioned establishing operations to establish derived manding skills in adults with severe developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 1, p. 105-121, 2007.

SARAKOFF, R. A.; TAYLOR, B. A.; POULSON, C. L. Teaching children with autism to engage in conversational exchanges: script fading with embedded textual stimuli. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 34, n. 1, p. 81-84, 2001.

SHABANI, D. B. et al. Increasing social initiations in children with autism: effects of a tactile prompt. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 35, n. 1, p. 79-83, 2002.

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THOMPSON, R. H. et al. Enhancing early communication through infant sign training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 40, n. 1, p. 15-23, 2007.

TIGER, J. H.; HANLEY, G. P. An example of discovery research involving the transfer of stimulus control. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 38, n. 4, p. 499-509, 2005.

WILLIAMS, G.; CARNERERO, J. J.; PÉREZ-GONZALEZ, L. A. Generalization of tacting actions in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 39, n. 2, p. 233-237, 2006.

WILLIAMS, G.; PÉREZ-GONZÁLES, L. A.; QUEIROZ, A. B. M. Using a combined blocking procedure to teach color discrimination to a child with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 38, n. 4, p. 555-558, 2005.

WILLIAMS, G.; PÉREZ-GONZÁLEZ, L. A.; VOGT, K. The role of specific consequences in the maintenance of three types of questions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 36, n. 3, p. 285-296, 2003.

WORSDELL, A. S. et al. Analysis of response repetition as an error-correction strategy during sight-word reading. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Kansas, v. 38, n. 4, p. 511-527, 2005.