O Tratamento do sujeito na Grammatica Descriptiva de Maximino Maciel


  • Karoline Angelici Universidade Federal Fluminense

Mots-clés :

Sintaxe. Sujeito. Maximino Maciel.


This article aims to provide a critical overview of how the Subject category is treated in Maximino Maciel's Descriptive Grammatica . Thus, the main task that we propose in this work is to talk about the lines dedicated to the Subject in Maciel, considering the historical context in which the author and, consequently, the linguistic thought propagated by him are inserted. Thus, it will be possible to understand how the treatment of the category under analysis reflects the perspective of the author's language and to what extent it is consistent with or diverges from the linguistic ideas at the time.


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Comment citer

Angelici, K. (2021). O Tratamento do sujeito na Grammatica Descriptiva de Maximino Maciel. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 21(2), 219–234. Consulté à l’adresse http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cpgl/article/view/13126