O luto como desencadeador do insólito e do duplo no livro Alice em Sonhos



Fictional unusual, Double, Mourning


The book Alice in Dreams, by the Niterói writer, Leslie Lothar C. Hein, published in 2021, will be analysed from the following guiding question: how are the unusual and the double triggered by the mourning that the main character, Alice, experiences? Composing of the current universe of fantastic literature and the fictional unusual, this work will be guided by the ideas of “between” and “tension”, developed by researchers Manuel Antonio de Castro and Fábio Santana Pessanha, both from UFRJ. Our aim is to emphasise the role of mourning as a key trigger of the unusual in the narrative and of the double in the main character, the double being understood as a Platonic simulacrum. 


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How to Cite

Nascimento, T. (2024). O luto como desencadeador do insólito e do duplo no livro Alice em Sonhos. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 23(3). Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cpgl/article/view/16335