<i>Xambioá: paz e guerra</i>

The testimony in the historical novel by Carmo Bernardes


  • Layane Serracena Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras e Linguística (PPGLL)


Testimony, Guerrilla of Araguaia, Carmo Bernardes


Denounced and persecuted by agents of reprimand, Carmo Bernardes saw how an authoritarian government can affect human life. The literary work Xambioá: paz e guerra, narrates the impact of the Araguaia guerrilla on the lives of the residents of Xambioá, revealing how a historical situation can awaken the best or the worst in individuals, altering their humanity and the course of life. The narrative operates as a testimony, providing the reader with the version of the loser, contesting the exemplarity of the “hero” and highlighting the need to do justice.


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How to Cite

Serracena, L. (2022). <i>Xambioá: paz e guerra</i>: The testimony in the historical novel by Carmo Bernardes. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 22(2), 35–50. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cpgl/article/view/14668