The meaning effects of the self-here-now in the discourse of domestic violence:


  • Iara Mola Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Domestic violence, Meaning generative process, Discursive level


In a context in which, year after year, research shows an alarming growth in cases of domestic violence in Brazil, this article aims to understand how the discourse of a woman who is a victim of domestic violence is formed from the perspective of studies in the field of Discursive Semiotics. More specifically, as the follow up to a broader research project, the analysis focuses on three of the procedures found at the discursive level of the meaning generative process, applied to a text in which the meaning effects of the self-here-now of those who suffered domestic violence of the moral and psychological types are apprehended.


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How to Cite

Mola, I. (2021). The meaning effects of the self-here-now in the discourse of domestic violence:. Cadernos De Pós-Graduação Em Letras, 21(2), 59–75. Retrieved from