Entre lo real y lo irreal, mundos (im)posibles
Lo fantástico presente en Verónica y la extraña muerte de Fray Pedro, de Rubén Darío
Keywords: unusual literature; short stories; Rubén Darío.Abstract
The unusual in literature has conquered a more expressive audience over the centuries, since it encompasses a diversity of themes and authors, as well as different subgenres, such as: grotesque, fantastic, magic realism, among others, which contributes to its acceptance. Genre that captivates and seduces, fostering curiosity, the unusual presents us with elements that trap us. In this article, we aim to analyze two versions of a tale by Rubén Darío in the light of the fantastic (TODOROV, 1975), one of its subgenres. We hope we have evidenced convergences and divergences between the versions, in addition to underlining the fantastic present in both stories.
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