One way journey
The search and loss of ethos and identity in Anton Tchekhov’s “The lottery ticket”
Tchekhov, Ethos, IdentityAbstract
This paper intends to show the construction of ethos and identity of the main character of the short story “The lottery ticket,” by Anton Tchekhov, in addition to stress out the dialogue that the author establishes with the literary tradition that preceded his work. Through an interdisciplinary approach between discourse analysis, cultural studies, and literature, we propose a vision of literature with discursive characteristics and how the act of reading can be a component of enunciation. This paper’s theoretical references are focused on language philosophers such as Dominique Maingueneau, to analyze the question of literary discourse and discursive ethos, and Mikhail Bakhtin, to investigate dialogism; on the cultural aspect, we centered our research in the positions of Stuart Hall about the construction of identity.
BAKHTIN, M. Estética da criação verbal. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2011.
BAKHTIN, M. Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem. São Paulo: Hucitec, 2014.
CHARAUDEAU, P.; MAINGUENEAU, D. Dicionário de análise do discurso. São Paulo: Contexto, 2008.
HALL, S. A identidade cultural na pós-modernidade. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A, 2001.
MAINGUENEAU, D. Novas tendências em análise do discurso. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1996.
MAINGUENEAU, D. A propósito do ethos. In: MOTTA, A. R.; SALGADO, L. (org.). Ethos discursivo. São Paulo: Contexto, 2008a.
MAINGUENEAU, D. Cenas da Enunciação. São Paulo: Parábola, 2008b.
MAINGUENEAU, D. Discurso literário. São Paulo: Contexto, 2014.
TCHEKHOV, A. P. O malfeitor e outros contos da Velha Rússia. São Paulo: Ediouro, 2001.
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