“Você deve voltar e enfrentar as batalhas que são seu direito de nascença britânica, Carole, como uma verdadeira nigeriana”
Divisões geracionais diaspóricas em Girl, Woman, Other de Bernardine Evaristo
Diaspora, Bernardine Evaristo, IdentityResumo
This paper looks at Bernardine Evaristo’s treatment of themes relevant to Diaspora Studies, such as generational divides between first- and second-generation immigrants, belonging, and national identity, in her 2019 novel Girl, Woman, Other. For this analysis, I have focused on the relationship between Bummi, a Nigerian mathematician, and her daughter Carole, an investment banker born in England. I propose that Evaristo’s narrative technique favours a reading of the complex dynamics that runs through such relationships by making each character a protagonist of their narrative, thus shedding light on and producing complex subjectivities.
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