Proposal of activities to stimulate the perception of sounds and rhymes in Mozambican children

Stimulation of phonological awareness


  • Lilian Meibach Brandoles de Matos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Gérson Obede Estevão Muitana Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Gabriel Brito Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Paula Racca Segamarchi Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Phonological awareness, activities, Intervention Response Model


Introduction: Phonological awareness is an ability that consists of manipulating speech sounds. Studies have shown that activities of this ability developed for preschool children are very important because they have contributed to better academic performance in formal education. Many activities should take place in the classroom in an intervention response model (RTI) and in a playful way, in addition to the activities that can be developed taking into account the context and experiences of the child, such as cultural, semantic, phonetic, play and children's tales of the region. Objective: In view of the development of phonological awareness to assist in the literacy pathway of Mozambican children, the present study aimed to develop an intervention proposal for pre-schoolchildren and/or mozambican first year students in the intervention response model (RTI). Method: To fulfill this objective, the activities were divided into two phases: 1: Development of phonological awareness activities based on Manuals and Brazilian intervention books. 2: Adaptation and cultural validation of the activities developed for Mozambican children from 4 to 6 years of age. Results: 15 activities of perception of sounds and rhymes were developed and adapted, with increasing levels of difficulty. Conclusion: It is expected that the proposed activities develop the attention capacity for speech sounds, perception of sounds and rhymes. In addition, the most fundamental, it is expected that the proposed activities will improve the phonological awareness of Mozambican children in general and help improve their academic performance in later years.


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