The Socio-Educational Process in the Solidary Economy Movements and the Role of the University


  • Silvia Gattai Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marco Aurélio Bernardes Universidade Metodista de São Paulo


Economia Solidária, Processo Socioeducativo, Negócios Inclusivos, Pesquisa-ação


The theme of the article is the analysis of the social-educational process that occurs as a result of the participation of individuals and groups in solidarity economy movements and the contribution of the university in this process, through university extension projects. Thus, as an object of study presents a project of university extension in low-income sector in the Grande ABC Paulista. Three questions assisted in this analysis, they are: 1. The solidarity economy movements enable the development of the sense of citizenship of those who participate in them? 2. What are the characteristics of the social-educational process in these solidarity economic movements? 3. The action of the university accelerates the social-educational process of individual and groups participating in the solidarity economy movement? Thus, one of the objectives of the article was to understand the characteristics of the movements of the solidarity economy, specifically with regard to socio-educational processes present in such movements and to characterize the university involvement. The investigation sees the university as a possible subject present in these processes. In developing this analysis, the paper aims to develop an understanding of the contribution of the university to the learning process inherent to participation in the movement. The analysis was based on the concepts of solidarity economy, the process of individual and group learning and emancipatory education. We used a qualitative research method called action research. This method enables the researcher's participation both in decision making about the reality and the subsequent reflection on the process occurred and the consequent production of scientific knowledge about the process. The results showed that the entrepreneurs who participated in the extension project acquired knowledge and concepts necessary to manage their investments and might perceive themselves as active subjects in the process of strengthening the solidarity economy. The participants oriented on this discussion, also concluded about the possibility of mobilization and participation in public spaces with their difficulties and benefit.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Gattai, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo, a partir de 2010. Pesquisas nas áreas de participação social, educação social, economia solidária e participação da população no planejamento e gestão das cidades.

Marco Aurélio Bernardes, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

Professor da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Pesquisa nas áreas de empreendedorismo, economia solidária.





Thematic Special Forum on Social Management