Intervention Program in Competent Reading for Elementary School (PILC-EF): Development and Applicability Analysis


  • Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Suzete Araújo Águas Maia União Sudeste Brasileira
  • Edna Rosa Correia Neves Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo


Reading, Reading Comprehension, Elementary School, Velocity, Academic achievement


Reading is a complex skill that involves word recognition, fluency and comprehension skills. While word recognition is developed in the first grades, fluency and comprehension continue to develop through the more advanced grades. Considering that the mastery of these skills is essential for subsequent academic success throughout basic education, and given the scarcity of national intervention programs aimed at the most advanced grades of Elementary School, the objective of this study is to present the development of the Intervention Program in Competent Reading for Elementary Education (PILC-EF). It is designed to promote fluency and comprehension specifically and aimed at students from 4th to 9th grade. In the first phase of the study, three notebooks with intervention activities were developed: a) fluency intervention notebook; b) comprehension intervention booklet – level 1, for students from 4th to 6th grade; c) comprehension intervention booklet – level 2, for students from 7th to 9th grade. In the second phase, judges analyzed the notebooks and changes were made. In the third phase, the applicability of the intervention program was evaluated. The activities were applied, in a pilot study, with 670 students from two private schools in the interior of the state of São Pau-lo and their respective teachers, with each subgroup of students performing four activities. Reports from students and teachers were collected. The results showed that the intervention strategies used in the PILC-EF were well accepted by the students and considered adequate by the teachers, being possible to be used in a school environment. Future studies should be conducted to analyze the effectiveness of the intervention.


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