Motor Disorders


  • Roberta Pasqualucci Ronca Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Andyara Cristianne Alves Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Silvana Maria Blascovi-Assis Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Neuropsychomotor development, Motor disorders, Cerebral palsy, Prematurity, Down’s syndrome


Neuropsychomotor development (DNPM) is a journey of great transformations. It begins at the moment of conception and continues throughout life, allowing the acquisition of functionality and independence for increasingly complex and elaborate activities in the adult individual. Intellectual, physical, socio-emotional and language development are influenced by biological or genetic factors, such as prematurity, genetic syndromes, perinatal asphyxia and external factors, such as family, nutritional, cultural, economic and social factors. During the development process, the brain constantly reorganizes itself, especially in the first years of life as the individual acquires new skills. The delay in motor development can be the first manifestation of impairment in the child's development or the main point of alert for parents, health and education professionals. The objective of this article is to approach typical neuropsychomotor development by reviewing the motor milestones and atypical development resulting from some motor disorders such as prematurity, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), considering the clinical manifestations, evolution and complications related to them. Finally, it is concluded that, regardless of the context, the rapid identification and monitoring of sensorimotor development under the conditions mentioned above are valuable, as they enable early intervention and the adoption of preventive and corrective measures that avoid further damage to the DNPM, which results in a better prognosis for these infants and children with motor disorders.


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Author Biography

Andyara Cristianne Alves, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



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