Sensitivity and specificity of psychological instruments in the assessment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

a systematic review study


  • Beatriz Camilo Araujo dos Santos Costa Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás
  • Daniela Sacramento Zanini Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás


Palavras-chave: sensibilidade, especificidade, TDAH, avaliação psicológica.


Objective: Systematically review studies regarding the sensitivity and specificity of psychological instruments in the evaluation of ADHD. Method: A systematic review was performed by searching national and international databases on the Capes platform, with the writers ADHD / sensibility and specificity, without selecting specific databases. The research was restricted to publications of the last five years (2014-2019). Inclusion criteria were: ADHD psychological assessment articles with children; empirical articles published in a Brazilian or foreign journal; peer reviewed. Exclusion criteria were repeated articles; with the presence of comorbidities; articles not found in full. We obtained 42 articles. Results: The final sample consisted of two articles. There was a low index of publications regarding sensitivity and specificity of instruments in psychological assessments for ADHD, even with the large number of studies related to the disorder in the last five years. Conclusion: Need for investment in constructing sensitive and specific psychological instruments for diagnostic procedures in ADHD.


Keywords: sensitivity, specificity, ADHD, psychological assessment.


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