
  • Magda Ribeiro Faculdades Unopec - Escola de Negócios


The main purpose of this paper is to study the brand extension strategy and his hole in competitive as well as customer perception related to this strategy. Including the studies that explore the conceptions of brand extension strategy, the identification of the differences related to brand extension and product line extension strategy, and finally the customer perception related this strategy. This paper still included an analysis about which are the benefits and risks that brand extension strategy brings to companies and consumer. The theme of this paper is relevant to the academic and professional sphere, as the brand extension strategy have become usual inside companies. As this paper is a theoretical research it will be used books, texts and papers of the main authors of brand extension strategy of Brazil and the world. The corporate investment growth in brand extension and products portfolio justifies the concerning with this theme, now we are in brand extension era, and not of new brands creation.


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Author Biography

Magda Ribeiro, Faculdades Unopec - Escola de Negócios

Publicitária, formada pela PUC – Campinas. Especialista em marketing pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Atua como Gerente de Produto na 3M do Brasil. Professora de Comunicação Social nas Faculdades Unopec.




