Corporate Social Responsibility: on the Reduc a Double Look
Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, Etnografia, Autoetonografia, Fotoetnografia, SMSAbstract
Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) has been discussedin boththeacademicandbusiness circles, having been portrayedas a strategy thatmay contribute to thefinancial performance of companies, astrategic response toinstitutional pressuresincurred by the companies, a merespeechmarketing,or evenapost-profit activity. The discussion on the topic remains centered organizations and other actors (stakeholders) are treated as adjuncts satellites. Thepurpose of this studyis to shift thecenter of discussion onCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the companyfor civil societyand respondto the followinginvestigative question: to what extentthe discourseand practicesare congruentPetrobras, from the perspective ofcommunitylivesaround theDuque de Caxias Refinery(Reduc)? It is basedon the belief thatsomething fundamentalhas been lostin the search forsolutionspurely technical-instrumental, which resulted in the generation ofanutilitarianand calculating society. Unlike other studies that aimed to analyze the correlation between CSR and financial return, public policy or social investment, this seeks to analyze the speech Petrobras on CSR and confront him with the look of residents of the community.It was understoodthe need togive voiceto those whoare marginalizedand forgottenin official speeches, in this case,the community of Campos Eliseos. Thus, we conducted anempirical researchin the community, located in Duque deCaxias, using different ethnographic approaches, such as autoethnographyand photoethnography. We found thatthe imagethatcommunicatesexternallyPetrobrasis thegreat virtueof havinganagendaand ensures thatits activities forecologicalpracticesand politicallycorrect, but it was found thatthe surrounding communitydoes not sharetheview thatPetrobras announcesexternally intheirSecurity Policies, Healthand Environment, which is tohave a greatcivic virtue. It is understoodthat organizationsare accountablenot onlyto shareholdersbut alsoemployees, media, government andthe communities in whichthey operate andwith which they interact. Advocatesthe democratizationof decision-makingorganization, which should be givenon the basisof amore participatorydialoguewith allsocial partners.
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