New ScholarOne platform - RAM
Dear collaborators of RAM- Revista de Administração Mackenzie (Mackenzie Management Review).
From 23, May 2016, the management platform of the articles submitted to RAM was replaced for a more modern and international platform, developed by Thomson Reuters called ScholarOne.
This substitution will allow all articles submitted to the RAM have a much greater international visibility. From Edition, 17.3, 2016, all articles are being published in the English language by RAM.
With the decision to publish in English, one of the requirements of SciELO, and the replacement of the platform, we hope can meet at the end of this year the requirements of Scopus towards inserting the RAM in this environment of indexing, which will allow us the possibility of having an index impact with international classification. In this way, our expectation is that during the year of 2017 we can reach another level in Qualis classification.
Please, note also that in addition to continuing with the name RAM-Mackenzie Administration magazine, we also create an English name:-MMR-MACKENZIE MANAGEMENT REVIEW that is always below the brand RAM in Portuguese.
So, from this date, all articles will be submitted to the new platform, demanding of their authors a new registration.
The new link for submission is:
Once again, we thank all collaborators who contributed very positively to the current quality and reputation of RAM.
Best regards
Silvio Popadiuk
Editor-in-Chief of RAM
Knowledge Management
Absorptive Capacity
Exploitation - Exploration - Ambidexterity
Tacit Knowledge
Resource Based-view
PPGA - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie