Instructions to Submit
The review only accepts unpublished papers, that is, those that have not been published, in whole or in part, in any other journal. All the papers previously selected by REM will be subjected to a verification using a plagiarism detection mechanism (DOCXWEB, PlagScan, CopySpider).
The editorial board will preliminarily analyze whether the submitted paper adheres to the editorial policy of the magazine, as well as its scientific consistency.
There will be no fees for submission or publication of articles.
Manuscripts accepted by the editorial board will be subjected to a double blind peer review. The evaluation made by the reviewers in this system could recommend full acceptance, an acceptance with modification or the rejection of the paper.
The editorial board may reject preliminarily the manuscripts that do not comply with the instructions expressed below.
- The manuscripts must be sent only through the website of REM:
- The papers can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and with an extension between 6 thousand and 8 thousand words (including title, abstract, references and keywords);
- The articles must be submitted in a doc file or docx. Manuscripts sent in another format will be rejected;
- The Cover Page must contain the following items:
1. Title of the paper;
2. Full name(s) of the author(s);
3. Institutional affiliation of each author;
4. Professional address of each author;
5. ORCID ID of each author;
6. Abstract; Five Keywords, in alphabetic order; Acknowledgements, which will be transcribed to the article if its publication is approved.
- The abstract must have a maximum of 150 words (in Portuguese and in English to the articles in Portuguese, in Spanish and in English to articles in Spanish, and in English and in Portuguese to articles in English);
- The manuscript must include five keywords (in Portuguese and in English to the articles in Portuguese, in Spanish and in English to articles in Spanish, and in English and in Portuguese to articles in English);
- The paper must include the JEL Classification (Journal of Economic Literature). To access it, please copy the address in your browser:;
- Body of the text: AUTHOR’S NAMES MUST NOT APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE TEXT. Use the Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing. All pages must be numbered. The text must be aligned to the left, with paragraph retreat only in the first line;
- Text structure: the manuscripts must necessarily have an introduction, a conclusion and references. In the introduction and conclusion, graphs, tables or figures of any nature are not allowed;
- Figures and tables: when there are figures and tables, original files must be sent in Excel file;
- The footnotes must be restricted to additional clarifications to the text;
- References must be listed at the end of the text, and it must be only composed by the references cited in throughout the text;
- Attachments and appendices: used only when strictly necessary;
- References: The manuscripts must follow the APA Style, 6th It must be listed in alphabetic order by the author’s last name. Papers by the same single author are ordered by year of publication (starting with the oldest). In the case of an article, DOI will be required at the end of the reference. For more information about APA 6th edition, we created a simplified guide to citations and references. To download it, please copy the address below in your browser:
The copyright of the articles published in the Revista de Economia Mackenzie belongs to the authors, who grant the Mackenzie Presbyterian University the rights to publish the content. The author is allowed to copy, distribute, display, transmit and adapt the article, as long as explicit reference is made to the original publication in REM, respecting and making clear reference to the rules of the Creative Commons Attribution adopted.