O Conceito de Internacionalização: Análise Comparativa das Teorias Clássicas e Abordagens Recentes


  • Andresa Silva Neto Francischini Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM)
  • André Fernandes Lima Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM)


The paper presents a bibliographic research about the main studies and authors dealing with internationalization, based on classical and behavioral approaches. The objective is to present the theoretical variables and compare the assumptions of the main theories. This trend of greater emphasis on studies of companies classified as multinationals reveals that all companies can develop activities abroad, through different strategies for operating in international markets. The article presents the main theories that form the theoretical bases for the analyzes developed on internationalization and that deal with large multinational companies with different approaches, considering both economic and behavioral aspects. Thus, the analysis variables between the main theories of internationalization are compared, as well as their main contributions are presented.


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How to Cite

Silva Neto Francischini, A., & Fernandes Lima, A. (2023). O Conceito de Internacionalização: Análise Comparativa das Teorias Clássicas e Abordagens Recentes. Revista De Economia Mackenzie, 19(2), 252–274. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/rem/article/view/15551


