Experiência docente e desempenho escolar: testando uma hipótese de um relacionamento não-linear
This paper aims to analyzes the relationship between teacher’s experience and educational quality in Brazil. The hypothesis of Professors Experience Curve was formulated to verify whether the teacher’s experience shows a quadratic relationship with the student’s academics achievement exams. A panel of schools was set up using the data from the Prova Brasil for the years 2007, 2009 and 2011 years, in which the average student’s achievement, per school, in Mathematics and Portuguese Language, was regressed against the quadratic polynomial of the average professor experience as was proceeded by Grossman and Krueger (1995) to verify the hypothesis of Environmental Kuznets Curve and Lin and Tang (2008) testing the Educational Kuznets Curve. The results pointed that there is no evidence to validate the hypothesis of Professors Experience Curve.
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