Valorização dos Bens Culturais: uma interpretação através da hipótese autorreferencial de Keynes
Bens Culturais. Economia da Cultura. Habitus. Hipótese autorreferencial. Valor.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to raise an interpretation about determining the value of cultural goods. The theory of value has always sought to determine what would define the value of a good. Roughly speaking, in the classics, the value comes from the labor, while for the neoclassicals the value is acquired through utility. However, a painting, for example, does not have its value determined by the time of labor inserted in its production and it is also not a homogeneous good due to not have its value determined through utility. Thus, it was concluded that cultural goods acquire a symbolic dimension that is linked to the class habitus, through social constructions and the value of these goods can be determined by the self-referential hypothesis: it will be endorsed by the social conventions of the market itself, that is, the value of a cultural good is defined within the field of production itself and is characterized by randomness.
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