
  • Sara Rosa dos Santos Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis - UFR
  • Aniela Fagundes Carrara UFMT campus Rondonópolis


Preços. Expectativas. Alimentação. Transmissão. IPCA


The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between food prices and expectations about the IPCA itself, in order to understand whether such prices are capable of generating some relevant and lasting impact, in addition to seasonal ones arising from its agricultural nature, in the expectation of inflation. In order to fulfill the proposed objective, a model based on the Phillips curve was structured, whose estimation was performed using Autoregressive Vectors with Error Correction in its structural version (SVEC). The results obtained show that there is a considerable relationship between food prices and the expectation of inflation, and such influence is shown to be lasting, therefore, the variability of such prices, however transient they may end up generating a reflection of greater durability. in what is expected from inflation and so, such effects can be transmitted indirectly to the economy, since expectations are an important item within the Brazilian macroeconomic scenario.


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How to Cite

Rosa dos Santos, S., & Carrara, A. F. (2021). A INTERAÇÃO ENTRE OS PREÇOS DOS ALIMENTOS E A EXPECTATIVA FUTURA DE INFLAÇÃO: UMA ANÁLISE DINÂMICA. Revista De Economia Mackenzie, 18(2), 135–158. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/rem/article/view/14352


