Popular devotion and border crossings: Mexican ex-voto paintings


  • Tijen Tunali University of New México, USA


Ex-voto paintings are the visual manifestation of popular religion and are
objects offered as votives of thanks to Christ or Virgin Mary. These paintings
provide art historical, ethnographical and literary evidence of socio-economic
circumstances of those who commission them. As such, both production
and reception of ex-votos testify to the role of art in transnational social processes,
such as immigration. The painful process of immigration produces
poignant visual manifestations that address dislocation and oppression. In
this paper I especially analyze the ex-votos of the Mexican immigrants and
argue that the border crossings from Mexico to United States are materialized
in the ex-votos of the Mexican immigrants who seek divine assistance
during this dangerous endeavor and further life in the United States.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Tijen Tunali, University of New México, USA

PhD - Modern and Contemporary ArtArt and Art History DepartmentUniversity of New Mexico, USA




Como Citar

Tunali, T. (2015). Popular devotion and border crossings: Mexican ex-voto paintings. Revista Ciências Da Religião - História E Sociedade, 13(1). Recuperado de http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cr/article/view/7976


