Análise de viabilidade de uma plataforma inovadora de pool de comprasy: o caso Pool Buy


  • Alessandra Reis da Silva Lima Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Luccas Bavaresco Paranhos do Valle Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Piero Grieco Hellmeister Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Alexandre Nabil Ghobril Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / São Paulo / SP
  • Roseli Oliveira Damiani Barreto Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Alberto de Medeiros Junior Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Análise de viabilidade, compra coletiva, startup, Modelo de Negócios Inovador


Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise do potencial econômico de uma nova startup operando em um modelo de marketplace de compras. Com o crescimento substancial do e-commerce, muitos players têm buscado ampliar sua atuação no canal de vendas on-line, em particular as grandes redes varejistas. Em paralelo, os marketplaces de vendas, como Mercado Livre,, Magalu e similares, possibilitaram esse acesso também às pequenas empresas. Embora alguns padrões de modelos de negócio sejam predominantes, observou-se a oportunidade de atuação neste mercado de intermediação entre o fornecedor de produtos e os clientes de forma inovadora, utilizando o mecanismo de pool de compras, modelo que combina descontos progressivos ao consumidor final e escoamento de estoques altos do fabricante. Em termos de metodologia, seguiu-se o método de solução de problemas e  aproveitamento de oportunidades proposto por Marcondes et al. (2017), que partiu da análise do ambiente competitivo, solução inicial e diagnóstico da oportunidade, proposição de um modelo de negócios inovador e análise de viabilidade econômica. Para tal, foram projetados resultados esperados do negócio em diversos cenários de vendas utilizando simulação de Monte Carlo, sinalizando risco controlado e potencial de rentabilidade do empreendimento.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Alessandra Reis da Silva Lima, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

This work aims to analyze the feasibility of an innovative platform for a shopping marketplace called Pool Buy. With the substantial growth of e-commerce, many players have sought to expand their operations in this channel. For this, online sales strategies have become a priority in many organizations, particularly large retail chains. At the same time, sales marketplaces such as Mercado Livre,  mericanas.<br />com, Magalu, and the like also made this access possible for small businesses. Although some patterns of business models are predominant, there was an opportunity to act in this market of intermediation between the supplier of products and the customers in an innovative way, using the Purchasing pool mechanism. This model combines progressive discounts to the final consumer and disposal of high inventories from the manufacturer. In terms of methodology, we followed the method of solving problems<br />and taking advantage of opportunities proposed by Marcondes et al. (2017), which started from the analysis of the competitive environment, initial proposal and diagnosis of the opportunity, proposition of an innovative business model, and economic feasibility  analysis. To this end, the expected business results were projected in various sales scenarios using Monte Carlo simulation, signaling controlled risk and potential profitability of the venture.

Luccas Bavaresco Paranhos do Valle, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

This work aims to analyze the feasibility of an innovative platform for a shopping marketplace called Pool Buy. With the substantial growth of e-commerce in recent years, many players have sought to expand their presence in this channel. For this, online sales strategies have become a priority in many organizations, such as large retail chains. At the same time, sales marketplaces such as Mercado Livre,, Magalu and the like have also made this access possible for small businesses. Although some patterns of business models are predominant, there was an opportunity to act in this intermediation market between the product supplier and customers in an innovative way, using the Purchase Pool mechanism, a model that combines progressive discounts to the final consumer and outflow of high manufacturer stocks. To evaluate this new model, an economic feasibility analysis was carried out, which made it possible to simulate expected results of the business in various sales scenarios using Monte Carlo simulation.

Piero Grieco Hellmeister, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

This work aims to analyze the feasibility of an innovative platform for a shopping marketplace called Pool Buy. With the substantial growth of e-commerce in recent years, many players have sought to expand their presence in this channel. For this, online sales strategies have become a priority in many organizations, such as large retail chains. At the same time, sales marketplaces such as Mercado Livre,, Magalu and the like have also made this access possible for small businesses. Although some patterns of business models are predominant, there was an opportunity to act in this intermediation market between the product supplier and customers in an innovative way, using the Purchase Pool mechanism, a model that combines progressive discounts to the final consumer and outflow of high manufacturer stocks. To evaluate this new model, an economic feasibility analysis was carried out, which made it possible to simulate expected results of the business in various sales scenarios using Monte Carlo simulation.

Alexandre Nabil Ghobril, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / São Paulo / SP

Engenheiro Naval pela Escola Politecnica da USP, Mestre em adminsitração pela Fundação Getulio Vargas e Doutor em Administração pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Pos-doutor pelo Illinois Institute of Technology. É professor do Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios.

Roseli Oliveira Damiani Barreto, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

This work aims to analyze the feasibility of an innovative platform for a shopping marketplace called Pool Buy. With the substantial growth of e-commerce in recent years, many players have sought to expand their presence in this channel. For this, online sales strategies have become a priority in many organizations, such as large retail chains. At the same time, sales marketplaces such as Mercado Livre,, Magalu and the like have also made this access possible for small businesses. Although some patterns of business models are predominant, there was an opportunity to act in this intermediation market between the product supplier and customers in an innovative way, using the Purchase Pool mechanism, a model that combines progressive discounts to the final consumer and outflow of high manufacturer stocks. To evaluate this new model, an economic feasibility analysis was carried out, which made it possible to simulate expected results of the business in various sales scenarios using Monte Carlo simulation.

Alberto de Medeiros Junior, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

This work aims to analyze the feasibility of an innovative platform for a shopping marketplace called Pool Buy. With the substantial growth of e-commerce in recent years, many players have sought to expand their presence in this channel. For this, online sales strategies have become a priority in many organizations, such as large retail chains. At the same time, sales marketplaces such as Mercado Livre,, Magalu and the like have also made this access possible for small businesses. Although some patterns of business models are predominant, there was an opportunity to act in this intermediation market between the product supplier and customers in an innovative way, using the Purchase Pool mechanism, a model that combines progressive discounts to the final consumer and outflow of high manufacturer stocks. To evaluate this new model, an economic feasibility analysis was carried out, which made it possible to simulate expected results of the business in various sales scenarios using Monte Carlo simulation.


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Como Citar

Reis da Silva Lima, A., Bavaresco Paranhos do Valle, L., Grieco Hellmeister, P., Ghobril, A. N., Oliveira Damiani Barreto, R., & de Medeiros Junior, A. (2022). Análise de viabilidade de uma plataforma inovadora de pool de comprasy: o caso Pool Buy. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 10(2). Recuperado de

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