A Arquitetura na Construção da Imagem do Estado Getulista: Rio de Janeiro 1930/1945


  • Rafael Manzo


Arquitetura e Urbanismo, arquitetura getulista, totalitarismo, arquitetura, architecture and Urban, getulism architecture, totalitarism, architecture


O Europe was overrun by a wave of totalitarian regimes between the decades of 1920 and 1940, motivated by a distrust of liberal democracy and economic liberalism, which, from being considered the foundation for the progress in the nineteenth century, was later regarded as responsible for the outbreak of World War I and the economic crisis that followed, which reached its climax with the collapse of stock exchange in New York, in 1929. The Italian Fascism and German Nazism stood out among these regimes, respectively as the founder and the image of success of the totalitarian right-wing, which influenced part of Latin America, including, in Brazil, the "Estado Novo" of Getulio Vargas. The present thesis explores the use of architecture by such dictators as one of the most effective propaganda in the construction and propagation of the image of strength that the regime wished to convey, both national and internationally. The main style used for this propaganda was Tardo-classicism, which was seen as the perfect way to communicate the totalitarian government's power. In Brazil, there was no predominance of modernist architecture for the representation of the Vargas State (1930–1945) – instead, the regime's image was not associated with an unique architectural style by internationally renowned architects, as this semiotic analysis of the buildings can confirm.resumo em inglês, em um único parágrafo, não deve exceder 500 palavras.


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How to Cite

MANZO, R. A Arquitetura na Construção da Imagem do Estado Getulista: Rio de Janeiro 1930/1945. Graduate Journal in Architecture and Urbanism, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 2, 2012. Disponível em: http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cpgau/article/view/6053. Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.



Thesis Abstracts